Thursday, April 30, 2015

ScienceDaily: Strange Science News

ScienceDaily: Strange Science News

A smartphone with ultimate macro feature: DNA-scanning fluorescent microscope

Posted: 29 Apr 2015 08:32 AM PDT

Researchers have recently developed a device that can turn any smartphone into a DNA-scanning fluorescent microscope.

The trillion-frame-per-second camera

Posted: 29 Apr 2015 08:32 AM PDT

Researchers have developed a new high-speed camera that can record events at a rate of more than 1-trillion-frames-per-second. That speed is more than one thousand times faster than conventional high-speed cameras.

Multifractals suggest the existence of an unknown physical mechanism on the Sun

Posted: 29 Apr 2015 08:32 AM PDT

The famous sunspots on the surface of the Earth's star result from the dynamics of strong magnetic fields, and their numbers are an important indicator of the state of activity on the Sun. Researchers have been conducting multifractal analysis into the changes in the numbers of sunspots. The resulting graphs were surprisingly asymmetrical in shape, suggesting that sunspots may be involved in hitherto unknown physical processes.

Artificial photosynthesis could help make fuels, plastics and medicine

Posted: 29 Apr 2015 07:48 AM PDT

The global industrial sector accounts for more than half of the total energy used every year. Now scientists are inventing a new artificial photosynthetic system that could one day reduce industry's dependence on fossil fuel-derived energy by powering part of the sector with solar energy and bacteria. The system converts light and carbon dioxide into building blocks for plastics, pharmaceuticals and fuels -- all without electricity.

Making robots more human: Wearable sensors read human facial expressions

Posted: 29 Apr 2015 07:10 AM PDT

Most people are naturally adept at reading facial expressions -- from smiling and frowning to brow-furrowing and eye-rolling -- to tell what others are feeling. Now scientists have developed ultra-sensitive, wearable sensors that can do the same thing. Their technology could help robot developers make their machines more human.

Gamblers are more impulsive and 'see patterns' where there are none

Posted: 29 Apr 2015 07:09 AM PDT

Gamblers are more impulsive and "see" more illusory patterns where there are none, a new study finds. Pathological gamblers "see" patterns in things that are actually quite random and not really there, to such a degree that they are quite willing to impulsively bet good money on such illusory nonrandomness.

Sun's blistering heat: Strong evidence for coronal heating theory

Posted: 29 Apr 2015 06:48 AM PDT

The sun's surface is blisteringly hot at 10,340 degrees Fahrenheit -- but its atmosphere is another 300 times hotter. This has led to an enduring mystery for those who study the sun: What heats the atmosphere to such extreme temperatures? Normally when you move away from a hot source the environment gets cooler, but some mechanism is clearly at work in the solar atmosphere, the corona, to bring the temperatures up so high.

Elderly crickets are set in their ways, study finds

Posted: 29 Apr 2015 06:01 AM PDT

As insects grow old their behavior becomes increasingly predictable according to new research. The study, which set out to understand how personality alters with age, found that behavioral traits tend to become entrenched as crickets age.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

ScienceDaily: Strange Science News

ScienceDaily: Strange Science News

Robotically discovering Earth's nearest neighbors: 54 light-years away

Posted: 28 Apr 2015 02:17 PM PDT

Astronomers discovered a planetary system orbiting a nearby star that is only 54 light-years away. All three planets orbit their star at a distance closer than Mercury orbits the sun, completing their orbits in just five, 15, and 24 days.

Weighing -- and imaging -- molecules one at a time

Posted: 28 Apr 2015 02:17 PM PDT

Building on their creation of the first-ever mechanical device that can measure the mass of individual molecules, one at a time, scientists have created nanodevices that can also reveal their shape.

Dive discovers missing aircraft hangar of sunken WW II-era Japanese submarine

Posted: 28 Apr 2015 02:17 PM PDT

A recent survey of newly discovered submarine wreck successfully located, mapped and captured on video for the first time not only the submarine's hangar and conning tower (navigation platform), and the submarine's bell. The massive aircraft hangar, large enough to launch three float-plane bombers, was the defining feature of the I-400.

Switching on one-shot learning in the brain

Posted: 28 Apr 2015 02:14 PM PDT

Most of the time, we learn only gradually, incrementally building connections between actions or events and outcomes. But there are exceptions--every once in a while, something happens and we immediately learn to associate that stimulus with a result. Scientists have discovered that uncertainty in terms of the causal relationship -- whether an outcome is actually caused by a particular stimulus -- is the main factor in determining whether or not rapid learning occurs.

Electron chirp: Cyclotron radiation from single electrons measured directly for first time

Posted: 28 Apr 2015 02:13 PM PDT

Scientists and engineers have reported the direct detection of cyclotron radiation from individual electrons. They used a specially developed spectroscopic method that allowed them to measure the energy of electrons, one single electron at a time. The method provides a new way to potentially measure the mass of the neutrino, a subatomic particle that weighs at most two-billionths of a proton.

Unmasking the secrets of Mercury, in color

Posted: 28 Apr 2015 01:51 PM PDT

The MESSENGER spacecraft is the first ever to orbit the planet Mercury, and the spacecraft's seven scientific instruments and radio science investigation are unraveling the history and evolution of the solar system's innermost planet. MESSENGER's highly successful orbital mission is about to come to an end, as the spacecraft runs out of propellant and the force of solar gravity causes it to impact the surface of Mercury near the end of April 2015.

Polygamy increases risk of heart disease by more than 4-fold

Posted: 28 Apr 2015 11:19 AM PDT

Polygamy increases the risk of heart disease by more than 4-fold, reveals new research. The risk and severity of heart disease increased with the number of wives.

Water could have been abundant in first billion years after the Big Bang

Posted: 28 Apr 2015 09:54 AM PDT

How soon after the Big Bang could water have existed? Not right away, because water molecules contain oxygen and oxygen had to be formed in the first stars. Then that oxygen had to disperse and unite with hydrogen in significant amounts. New theoretical work finds that despite these complications, water vapor could have been just as abundant in pockets of space a billion years after the Big Bang as it is today.

Salty aquifer, previously unknown microbial habitat discovered under Antarctica

Posted: 28 Apr 2015 09:52 AM PDT

Many view Antarctica as a frozen wasteland. Turns out there are hidden interconnected lakes underneath its dry valleys that could sustain life and shed light on ancient climate change. Microbiologists detected extensive salty groundwater networks in Antarctica using a novel airborne electromagnetic mapping sensor system. The findings shed new light on ancient climate change on Earth and provide evidence that a similar briny aquifer could support microscopic life on Mars.

Tracking exploding lithium-ion batteries in real-time

Posted: 28 Apr 2015 09:52 AM PDT

What happens when lithium-ion batteries overheat and explode has been tracked inside and out for the first time using sophisticated 3-D imaging. Understanding how Li-ion batteries fail and potentially cause a dangerous chain reaction of events is important for improving their design to make them safer to use and transport, say the scientists behind the study.

Bacteria in medical implants on purpose? Opening the way to living implants

Posted: 28 Apr 2015 09:50 AM PDT

Supramolecular chemistry is the science that is concerned with molecular self-assembly: chemical building blocks which, when you combine them, naturally form larger ordered structures. Researchers have now found a method that allows them to ensure that living cells - in this case bacteria from the human body - can be incorporated in materials while maintaining their mobility. This opens the way to a wide range of new applications, for example as part of medical implants. Examples include stents equipped with bacteria on which endothelial cells can grow, or bacteria that can release medicines in specific parts of the body.

NFL drafts: NFL players with an arrest record but no charges did well

Posted: 28 Apr 2015 09:47 AM PDT

Scientists analyzed five years of NFL draft data and discovered that the performance of NFL players who had an arrest record but no charges was better than those without an arrest and those arrested and charged performed as well as those with clean records - but they cost less.

Transparent light shutters: Windows that act like an LCD screen

Posted: 28 Apr 2015 09:38 AM PDT

The secret desire of urban daydreamers staring out their office windows at the sad brick walls of the building opposite them may soon be answered thanks to transparent light shutters. A novel liquid crystal technology allows displays to flip between transparent and opaque states -- hypothetically letting you switch your view in less than a millisecond from urban decay to the Chesapeake Bay.

Rubber from dandelions: Key components in formation of rubber identified

Posted: 28 Apr 2015 08:00 AM PDT

Dandelions deliver a desirable product: rubber. This is why the robust and undemanding plant has become the focus of attention of the rubber-producing industry. But how is rubber, contained in the plant's white milky fluid, actually formed? A team of scientists has now identified proteins, which play a key role in the production of rubber in the plant. Thus a biotechnological production of rubber comes closer.

Quantum particles at play: Game theory elucidates the collective behavior of bosons

Posted: 28 Apr 2015 07:59 AM PDT

Quantum particles behave in strange ways and are often difficult to study experimentally. Using mathematical methods drawn from game theory, physicists have shown how bosons, which like to enter the same state, can form multiple groups.

Framing time in days instead of years could spur action toward goals

Posted: 28 Apr 2015 07:59 AM PDT

People starting to plan for retirement or other big goals should pull out a calculator and multiply the years ahead by 365. Measuring time in days instead of months, or months instead of years, can make future events seem closer and thus more urgent, according to new research.

Human hunting weapons may not have caused the demise of the Neanderthals

Posted: 28 Apr 2015 07:58 AM PDT

The demise of Neanderthals may have nothing to do with innovative hunting weapons carried by humans from west Asia, according to a new study. The researchers say their findings mean that we may need to rethink the reasons humans survived Neanderthals - and that we may not have behaved as differently as we thought. The researchers looked at innovative stone weapons used by humans about 42,000-34,000 years ago. Traditionally, anthropologists believed that innovation in weapons enabled humans to spread out of Africa to Europe. However, the new study suggests that the innovation was not a driving force for humans to migrate into Europe as previously thought - they were no better equipped than the Neanderthals.

Breast milk sharing among friends, relatives likely increasing, but still risky

Posted: 28 Apr 2015 06:16 AM PDT

A new study offers insight into the attitudes around the growing -- and unregulated -- practice of breast milk sharing. Results indicate that friends and relatives are sharing breast milk with each other, but that many may not be aware of the risks, even when the milk is from someone they know. The study also found that healthcare practitioners are being left out of the milk-sharing dialogue-- and that there are untapped opportunities to encourage women to donate desperately needed, extra breast milk for premature babies.

Text messaging reduces pain medicine requirements during surgery

Posted: 27 Apr 2015 08:26 AM PDT

Patients who text messaged a stranger just before minor surgeries required less supplemental pain relief than patients receiving standard therapy or distraction techniques, according to a study. While both texting conditions reduced the need for pain management better than standard surgery, only texting a stranger reduced it beyond the distraction method of playing a mobile phone game, investigators say.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

ScienceDaily: Strange Science News

ScienceDaily: Strange Science News

Strange supernova is 'missing link' in gamma-ray burst connection

Posted: 27 Apr 2015 11:10 AM PDT

Astronomers find that 'central engines' in supernova explosions can come in different strengths, and include those that produce powerful blasts of gamma rays, and weaker versions that produce no such bursts.

Brain balances perception and action when caught in an illusion

Posted: 27 Apr 2015 10:31 AM PDT

Two wrongs can make a right, at least in the world of visual perception and motor functioning, according to brain scientists who tracked the eyes of students during exercises in a dark laboratory.

Bizarre 'platypus' dinosaur: Vegetarian relative of T. rex

Posted: 27 Apr 2015 09:46 AM PDT

Although closely related to the notorious carnivore Tyrannosaurus rex, a new lineage of dinosaur discovered in Chile is proving to be an evolutionary jigsaw puzzle, as it preferred to graze upon plants. Chilesaurus boasted a proportionally small skull, hands with two fingers like Tyrannosaurus rex and feet more akin to primitive long-neck dinosaurs.

Origin of life: Chemistry of seabed's hot vents could explain emergence of life

Posted: 27 Apr 2015 07:16 AM PDT

Hot vents on the seabed could have spontaneously produced the organic molecules necessary for life, according to new research. The study shows how the surfaces of mineral particles inside hydrothermal vents have similar chemical properties to enzymes, the biological molecules that govern chemical reactions in living organisms. This means that vents are able to create simple carbon-based molecules, such as methanol and formic acid, out of the dissolved CO2 in the water.

Is the universe a hologram?

Posted: 27 Apr 2015 07:16 AM PDT

The 'holographic principle,' the idea that a universe with gravity can be described by a quantum field theory in fewer dimensions, has been used for years as a mathematical tool in strange curved spaces. New results suggest that the holographic principle also holds in flat spaces. Our own universe could in fact be two dimensional and only appear three dimensional -- just like a hologram.

Bumblebees use nicotine to fight off parasites

Posted: 27 Apr 2015 07:15 AM PDT

Bumblebees that have been infected by parasites seek out flowers with nicotine in the nectar, likely to fight off the infection, new research has found. The nicotine appears to slow the progression of disease in infected bees but has harmful effects when consumed by healthy bees.

3-D image of live embryo turning itself inside out

Posted: 27 Apr 2015 05:28 AM PDT

Researchers have captured the first 3-D video of a living algal embryo turning itself inside out, from a sphere to a mushroom shape and back again. The results could help unravel the mechanical processes at work during a similar process in animals, which has been called the 'most important time in your life.'

Bats use both sides of brain to listen -- just like humans

Posted: 27 Apr 2015 05:28 AM PDT

Researchers have shown that, like humans, mustached bats use the left and right sides of their brains to process different aspects of sounds. Aside from humans, no other animal that has been studied, not even monkeys or apes, has proved to use such hemispheric specialization for sound processing -- meaning that the left brain is better at processing fast sounds, and the right processing slow ones.

Could smell hold the key to limiting or ending pesticide use?

Posted: 27 Apr 2015 05:26 AM PDT

Could smell hold the key to ending pesticide use? Sscientists may have uncovered a natural way of avoiding the use of pesticides and help save plants from attack by recreating a natural insect repellent. They have, for the first time, created tiny molecules which mirror a natural occurring smell known to repel insects.

Electric solar wind sail could make bidirectional human Mars flights economically feasible

Posted: 27 Apr 2015 05:25 AM PDT

The E-sail is a novel propellantless technology that was invented in Finland in 2006. The E-sail utilizes long, charged tethers to convert natural solar wind momentum flux into spacecraft thrust.

Monday, April 27, 2015

ScienceDaily: Strange Science News

ScienceDaily: Strange Science News

Simplified model predicts patterns that form from honey-like fluids

Posted: 23 Apr 2015 10:04 AM PDT

Drizzling honey on toast can produce mesmerizing, meandering patterns, as the syrupy fluid ripples and coils in a sticky, golden thread. Dribbling paint on canvas can produce similarly serpentine loops and waves. The patterns created by such viscous fluids can be reproduced experimentally in a setup known as a "fluid mechanical sewing machine," in which an overhead nozzle deposits a thick fluid onto a moving conveyor belt. Researchers have carried out such experiments in an effort to identify the physical factors that influence the patterns that form.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

ScienceDaily: Strange Science News

ScienceDaily: Strange Science News

Team develops faster, higher quality 3-D camera

Posted: 24 Apr 2015 06:31 PM PDT

Inspired by the Microsoft Kinect and the human eye, scientists have developed an inexpensive 3-D camera that can be used in any environment to produce high-quality images.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

ScienceDaily: Strange Science News

ScienceDaily: Strange Science News

Diabetes drug found in freshwater is a potential cause of intersex fish

Posted: 24 Apr 2015 11:17 AM PDT

A medication commonly taken for Type II diabetes, which is being found in freshwater systems worldwide, has been shown to cause intersex in fish – male fish that produce eggs. The medication is found to be widespread in freshwater.

World's first genetic modification of human embryos reported: Experts consider ethics

Posted: 24 Apr 2015 09:23 AM PDT

Chinese scientists say they've genetically modified human embryos for the very first time. The team attempted to modify the gene responsible for beta-thalassaemia, a potentially fatal blood disorder, using a gene-editing technique known as CRISPR/Cas9. Gene editing is a recently developed type of genetic engineering in which DNA is inserted, replaced, or removed. Here, experts weigh-in with ethical questions and considerations.

Picture this: Graphene brings 3-D holograms clearer and closer

Posted: 24 Apr 2015 07:54 AM PDT

From mobile phones and computers to television, cinema and wearable devices, the display of full-color, wide-angle, 3-D holographic images is moving ever closer to fruition.

Psychology of the appeal of being anti-GMO

Posted: 24 Apr 2015 07:53 AM PDT

A team of philosophers and plant biotechnologists have turned to cognitive science to explain why opposition to genetically modified organisms (GMOs) has become so widespread, despite positive contributions GM crops have made to sustainable agriculture. They argue that the human mind is highly susceptible to the negative and often emotional representations put out by certain environmental groups and other opponents of GMOs.

Beyond genes: Are centrioles carriers of biological information?

Posted: 24 Apr 2015 05:56 AM PDT

Scientists have discover that certain cell structures, the centrioles, could act as information carriers throughout cell generations. The discovery raises the possibility that transmission of biological information could involve more than just genes. Centrioles may actually be carriers of information, which holds profound implications for biology and disease treatment.

Giant cosmic tsunami wakes up comatose galaxies

Posted: 24 Apr 2015 05:50 AM PDT

Galaxies are often found in clusters, which contain many 'red and dead' members that stopped forming stars in the distant past. Now an international team of astronomers have discovered that these comatose galaxies can sometimes come back to life. If clusters of galaxies merge, a huge shock wave can drive the birth of a new generation of stars -- the sleeping galaxies get a new lease of life.

Gene-editing technique offers hope for hereditary diseases

Posted: 23 Apr 2015 09:48 AM PDT

Scientists have used molecular "scissors" to eliminate mitochondrial mutations in eggs and embryos. They are now investigating the possibility of translating this technology to the clinic in human eggs and embryos.

Examining Einstein: Precise experiments using lasers and clocks in space

Posted: 23 Apr 2015 05:52 AM PDT

Albert Einstein tells us that clocks run slower the deeper they are in the gravitational potential well of a mass – the closer they are to a heavenly body, for example. This effect is described by General Relativity Theory as the gravitational red shift – it is detectable in spectral lines that shift toward the red end of the spectrum. General Relativity Theory also predicts that the rates of all clocks are equally influenced by gravitation independent of how these clocks are physically or technically constructed. However, more recent theories of gravitation allow for the possibility that the type of clock indeed influences the degree of gravitational red shift. To test this theory-about-a-theory, scientists have launched a high-altitude research rocket to send various types of clocks into space and back again.

DNA of bacteria crucial to ecosystem defies explanation

Posted: 22 Apr 2015 11:25 AM PDT

The genome of an important bacteria contains far more 'junk DNA' than scientists expected -- making its genome more closely resemble that of a higher lifeform.

Friday, April 24, 2015

ScienceDaily: Strange Science News

ScienceDaily: Strange Science News

Four-dimensional printing unfolding as technology that takes 3D printing to an entirely new level

Posted: 23 Apr 2015 06:35 PM PDT

The fourth dimension is time, shape shifting in fact, and scientists are already working on the next revolution in additive manufacturing.

Second possible specimen of 'pocket shark' ever found

Posted: 23 Apr 2015 03:27 PM PDT

An extraordinarily rare ocean discovery of an inches-long 'pocket shark' has been made. Sharks come in all shapes and sizes and are best known as a dominant predator in the marine food web. Understanding their movements, behaviors and anatomies gives fishery managers a better idea of their diets and relationships with other species.

Astronomers find runaway galaxies

Posted: 23 Apr 2015 12:47 PM PDT

We know of about two dozen runaway stars, and have even found one runaway star cluster escaping its galaxy forever. Now, astronomers have spotted 11 runaway galaxies that have been flung out of their homes to wander the void of intergalactic space.

Revolutionary discovery leads to invention of new 'building blocks'

Posted: 23 Apr 2015 11:28 AM PDT

Taking a revolutionary 'building blocks' approach, a research team has invented a new thinking pathway in the design and synthesis of macromolecules by creating an original class of giant tetrahedra. Through a reaction called 'click chemistry,' these tetrahedron building blocks can then be precisely manipulated to unite with other tetrahedrons.

Scientists see deeper Yellowstone magma

Posted: 23 Apr 2015 11:27 AM PDT

Seismologists have discovered and made images of a reservoir of hot, partly molten rock 12 to 28 miles beneath the Yellowstone supervolcano, and it is 4.4 times larger than the shallower, long-known magma chamber. The hot rock in the newly discovered, deeper magma reservoir would fill the 1,000-cubic-mile Grand Canyon 11.2 times.

A focus on flight: Birds use just two postures to avoid obstacles during flight

Posted: 23 Apr 2015 10:03 AM PDT

A new study shows birds use two highly stereotyped postures to avoid obstacles in flight. The study could open the door to new ways to program drones and other unmanned aerial vehicles to avoid similar obstacles.

Differences in personality influence survival in field crickets

Posted: 23 Apr 2015 10:03 AM PDT

An individual's behaviour in risky situations is a distinct personality trait both in humans and animals that can have an immediate impact on longevity. Researchers have now found differences in personality types for the first time in a population of free living field crickets. Risk-prone individuals showed a higher mortality as they stayed more often outside their burrow where they can be easily detected by predators, compared to risk averse individuals. Moreover, shy individuals are not encountered so often by researchers, causing potential bias in collected scientific data. This methodological problem has been a neglected in many personality studies but has been accounted for uniquely in the present study.

In search of tinnitus, that phantom ringing in the ears

Posted: 23 Apr 2015 09:58 AM PDT

About one in five people experience tinnitus, the perception of a sound -- often described as ringing -- that isn't really there. Now, researchers have taken advantage of a rare opportunity to record directly from the brain of a person with tinnitus in order to find the brain networks responsible.

Looking to fossils to predict tooth evolution in rodents: Ever-growing molars in the future?

Posted: 23 Apr 2015 09:58 AM PDT

Fifty million years ago, all rodents had short, stubby molars -- teeth similar to those found in the back of the human mouth, used for grinding food. Over time, rodent teeth progressively evolved to become taller, and some rodent species even evolved continuously growing molar teeth. A new study predicts that most rodent species will have ever-growing molars in the far distant future.

Can sound help us detect 'earthquakes' on Venus?

Posted: 23 Apr 2015 09:58 AM PDT

Detecting an 'earthquake' on Venus would seem to be an impossible task. But conditions in Venus' atmosphere are much more hospitable, and it is here that researchers hope to deploy an array of balloons or satellites that could detect Venusian seismic activity -- using sound.

Crime scene discovery: Scientist separates the DNA of identical twins

Posted: 23 Apr 2015 09:57 AM PDT

Since its first use in the 1980s -- a breakthrough dramatized in recent crime-solving dramas -- DNA profiling has been a vital tool for forensic investigators.  Now researchers have solved one of its few limitations by successfully testing a technique for distinguishing between the DNA -- or genetic fingerprint -- of identical twins. 

Entire genomes of woolly mammoths mapped: Clues to extinction, possibility of bringing mammoths back

Posted: 23 Apr 2015 09:48 AM PDT

An international team of researchers has sequenced the nearly complete genome of two Siberian woolly mammoths -- revealing the most complete picture to date -- including new information about the species' evolutionary history and the conditions that led to its mass extinction at the end of the Ice Age.

Scientists create the sensation of invisibility

Posted: 23 Apr 2015 07:23 AM PDT

The power of invisibility has long fascinated man and inspired the works of many great authors and philosophers. A team of neuroscientists now reports a perceptual illusion of having an invisible body, and show that the feeling of invisibility changes our physical stress response in challenging social situations.

Ultra-sensitive sensor detects individual electrons

Posted: 23 Apr 2015 05:52 AM PDT

Scientists have created an electronic device so accurate that it can detect the charge of a single electron in less than one microsecond. It has been dubbed the 'gate sensor' and could be applied in quantum computers of the future to read information stored in the charge or spin of a single electron.

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Optical Illusion, Visual Illusion, Cognitive Illusions, #OpticalIllusion, #VisualIllusion, #CognitiveIllusions, #Optical, #Illusion, #Visual, #Cognitive, #Illusions Graphic T-Shirt
Optical Illusion, Visual Illusion, Cognitive Illusions, #OpticalIllusion, #VisualIllusion, #CognitiveIllusions, #Optical, #Illusion, #Visual, #Cognitive, #Illusions Graphic T-Shirt
Optical Illusion, Visual Illusion, Cognitive Illusions, #OpticalIllusion, #VisualIllusion, #CognitiveIllusions, #Optical, #Illusion, #Visual, #Cognitive, #Illusions: Sleeveless Top
Optical Illusion, Visual Illusion, Cognitive Illusions, #OpticalIllusion, #VisualIllusion, #CognitiveIllusions, #Optical, #Illusion, #Visual, #Cognitive, #Illusions: Sleeveless Top
#Physics #Universal #Constants: Speed of #Light in Vacuum, Newtonian Constant of Gravitation, Planck Constant: Sticker
#Physics #Universal #Constants: Speed of #Light in Vacuum, Newtonian Constant of Gravitation, Planck Constant: Sticker
#Physics #Universal #Constants: Speed of #Light in Vacuum, Newtonian Constant of Gravitation, Planck Constant: Sticker
#Physics #Universal #Constants: Speed of #Light in Vacuum, Newtonian Constant of Gravitation, Planck Constant: Sticker
Ukraine Pattern - Ukrainian embroidery: вишивка, vyshyvka, #Ukraine #Pattern #Ukrainian #embroidery #вишивка #vyshyvka UkrainePattern #UkrainianEmbroidery #Украина: Sticker
Ukraine Pattern - Ukrainian embroidery: вишивка, vyshyvka, #Ukraine #Pattern #Ukrainian #embroidery #вишивка #vyshyvka UkrainePattern #UkrainianEmbroidery #Украина: Sticker
Ukraine Pattern - Ukrainian embroidery: вишивка, vyshyvka, #Ukraine #Pattern #Ukrainian #embroidery #вишивка #vyshyvka UkrainePattern #UkrainianEmbroidery #Украина: Pullover Hoodie
Ukraine Pattern - Ukrainian embroidery: вишивка, vyshyvka, #Ukraine #Pattern #Ukrainian #embroidery #вишивка #vyshyvka UkrainePattern #UkrainianEmbroidery #Украина: Pullover Hoodie
Undine Rising from the Waters. Chauncey Bradley Ives: Greeting Card
Undine Rising from the Waters. Chauncey Bradley Ives: Greeting Card
Undine Rising from the Waters. Chauncey Bradley Ives: A-Line Dress
Undine Rising from the Waters. Chauncey Bradley Ives: A-Line Dress
Maxwell's equations, #Maxwells, #equations, #MaxwellsEquations, Maxwell, equation, MaxwellEquations, #Physics, Electricity, Electrodynamics, Electromagnetism: Water Bottle
Maxwell's equations, #Maxwells, #equations, #MaxwellsEquations, Maxwell, equation, MaxwellEquations, #Physics, Electricity, Electrodynamics, Electromagnetism: Water Bottle
Maxwell's equations, #Maxwells, #equations, #MaxwellsEquations, Maxwell, equation, MaxwellEquations, #Physics, Electricity, Electrodynamics, Electromagnetism: Drawstring Bag
Maxwell's equations, #Maxwells, #equations, #MaxwellsEquations, Maxwell, equation, MaxwellEquations, #Physics, Electricity, Electrodynamics, Electromagnetism: Drawstring Bag
SI Base Units: Poster
SI Base Units: Poster
SI Base Units: Poster
🇺🇦 #Ukrainian #Embroidery, #CrossStitch, #Pattern: Socks
🇺🇦 #Ukrainian #Embroidery, #CrossStitch, #Pattern: Socks
🇺🇦 #Ukrainian #Embroidery, #CrossStitch, #Pattern: Leggings
🇺🇦 #Ukrainian #Embroidery, #CrossStitch, #Pattern: Leggings
♀️ #Venus of #Willendorf #artifact sculpture art figurine statue humanbody #VenusofWillendorf: iPhone Case & Cover
♀️ #Venus of #Willendorf #artifact sculpture art figurine statue humanbody #VenusofWillendorf: iPhone Case & Cover
♀️ #Venus of #Willendorf #artifact sculpture art figurine statue humanbody #VenusofWillendorf: Mask
♀️ #Venus of #Willendorf #artifact sculpture art figurine statue humanbody #VenusofWillendorf: Mask
Psychedelic art. Art movement: Graphic T-Shirt Dress
Psychedelic art. Art movement: Graphic T-Shirt Dress
Psychedelic art. Art movement: Sleeveless Top
Psychedelic art. Art movement: Sleeveless Top
History of the Soviet Union (1927–1953) State Emblem of the Soviet Union: Magnet
History of the Soviet Union (1927–1953) State Emblem of the Soviet Union: Magnet
History of the Soviet Union (1927–1953) State Emblem of the Soviet Union: iPhone Case & Cover
History of the Soviet Union (1927–1953) State Emblem of the Soviet Union: iPhone Case & Cover
Standard Model Of Elementary Particles #Quarks #Leptons #GaugeBosons #ScalarBosons Bosons: Travel Mug
Standard Model Of Elementary Particles #Quarks #Leptons #GaugeBosons #ScalarBosons Bosons: Travel Mug
Standard Model Of Elementary Particles #Quarks #Leptons #GaugeBosons #ScalarBosons Bosons: Drawstring Bag
Standard Model Of Elementary Particles #Quarks #Leptons #GaugeBosons #ScalarBosons Bosons: Drawstring Bag
#УравненияЭйнштейна #Эйнштейн #Гильберт #уравнения #ГравитационноеПоле #ОбщаяТеорияОтносительности #метрика #искривлённое #пространствовремя #свойства #заполняющая #материя #УравнениеЭйнштейна #Теория: Classic T-Shirt
#УравненияЭйнштейна #Эйнштейн #Гильберт #уравнения #ГравитационноеПоле #ОбщаяТеорияОтносительности #метрика #искривлённое #пространствовремя #свойства #заполняющая #материя #УравнениеЭйнштейна #Теория: Classic T-Shirt
#УравненияЭйнштейна #Эйнштейн #Гильберт #уравнения #ГравитационноеПоле #ОбщаяТеорияОтносительности #метрика #искривлённое #пространствовремя #свойства #заполняющая #материя #УравнениеЭйнштейна #Теория: Classic T-Shirt
#УравненияЭйнштейна #Эйнштейн #Гильберт #уравнения #ГравитационноеПоле #ОбщаяТеорияОтносительности #метрика #искривлённое #пространствовремя #свойства #заполняющая #материя #УравнениеЭйнштейна #Теория: Classic T-Shirt
#cartoon #art #collection #vector #fashion #illustration #people #design #leisuregames #merchandise #industry #leisureactivity #recreationalpursuit #inarow #groupofobjects #arranging #women #girls: Classic T-Shirt
#cartoon #art #collection #vector #fashion #illustration #people #design #leisuregames #merchandise #industry #leisureactivity #recreationalpursuit #inarow #groupofobjects #arranging #women #girls: Classic T-Shirt
#people #collection #fashion #women group arranging girls young elegance: Graphic T-Shirt
#people #collection #fashion #women group arranging girls young elegance: Graphic T-Shirt
The #Birth of #Venus, Alexandre Cabanel 1875 #TheBirthofVenus #BirthofVenus: Poster
The #Birth of #Venus, Alexandre Cabanel 1875 #TheBirthofVenus #BirthofVenus: Poster
The #Birth of #Venus, Alexandre Cabanel 1875 #TheBirthofVenus #BirthofVenus: Mask
The #Birth of #Venus, Alexandre Cabanel 1875 #TheBirthofVenus #BirthofVenus: Mask
The #Laniakea #Supercluster, #Cosmology, #Astrophysics, Astronomy: Poster
The #Laniakea #Supercluster, #Cosmology, #Astrophysics, Astronomy: Poster
The #Laniakea #Supercluster, #Cosmology, #Astrophysics, Astronomy: Canvas Print
The #Laniakea #Supercluster, #Cosmology, #Astrophysics, Astronomy: Canvas Print
#Standard #Model of #Particle #Physics. Interactions: electromagnetic, weak, strong. Elementary: electron, top quark, tau neutrino, Higgs boson: Premium face-fitting mask with quality construction and vibrant print
#Standard #Model of #Particle #Physics. Interactions: electromagnetic, weak, strong. Elementary: electron, top quark, tau neutrino, Higgs boson: Premium face-fitting mask with quality construction and vibrant print.
#Standard #Model of #Particle #Physics. Interactions: electromagnetic, weak, strong. Elementary: electron, top quark, tau neutrino, Higgs boson, ... Mask
#Standard #Model of #Particle #Physics. Interactions: electromagnetic, weak, strong. Elementary: electron, top quark, tau neutrino, Higgs boson, ... Mask
Victor #Vasarely, was a Hungarian-French #artist, who is widely accepted as a #grandfather and leader of the #OpArt movement: Canvas Print
Victor #Vasarely, was a Hungarian-French #artist, who is widely accepted as a #grandfather and leader of the #OpArt movement: Canvas Print
Victor #Vasarely, was a Hungarian-French #artist, who is widely accepted as a #grandfather and leader of the #OpArt movement: Classic T-Shirt
Victor #Vasarely, was a Hungarian-French #artist, who is widely accepted as a #grandfather and leader of the #OpArt movement: Classic T-Shirt
The front page of Pravda on 23 June 1941, including a printed radio speech by Molotov: Poster
The front page of Pravda on 23 June 1941, including a printed radio speech by Molotov: Poster
The front page of Pravda on 23 June 1941, including a printed radio speech by Molotov: Framed Art Print
The front page of Pravda on 23 June 1941, including a printed radio speech by Molotov: Framed Art Print
#Endless #Knot #Eternity #Buddhism Overhand Knot: iPhone Case & Cover
#Endless #Knot #Eternity #Buddhism Overhand Knot: iPhone Case & Cover
#Endless #Knot #Eternity #Buddhism Overhand Knot: Framed Art Print
#Endless #Knot #Eternity #Buddhism Overhand Knot: Framed Art Print
Unit #circle #angles. #Trigonometry, #Math Formulas, Geometry Formulas: Socks
Unit #circle #angles. #Trigonometry, #Math Formulas, Geometry Formulas: Socks
Unit #circle #angles. #Trigonometry, #Math Formulas, Geometry Formulas: Socks
Unit #circle #angles. #Trigonometry, #Math Formulas, Geometry Formulas: Socks
Two-dimensional representation of the Klein bottle immersed in three-dimensional space, #TwoDimensional, #representation, #KleinBottle, #immersed, #ThreeDimensional, #space Active T-Shirt
Two-dimensional representation of the Klein bottle immersed in three-dimensional space, #TwoDimensional, #representation, #KleinBottle, #immersed, #ThreeDimensional, #space: Active T-Shirt
Two-dimensional representation of the Klein bottle immersed in three-dimensional space, #TwoDimensional, #representation, #KleinBottle, #immersed, #ThreeDimensional, #space: Mask
Two-dimensional representation of the Klein bottle immersed in three-dimensional space, #TwoDimensional, #representation, #KleinBottle, #immersed, #ThreeDimensional, #space: Mask
Mandelbrot set Mask
Mandelbrot set Mask
Mandelbrot set iPhone Case & Cover
Mandelbrot set iPhone Case & Cover
Op Art #OpArt Optical Art #OpticalArt Optical Illusions #OpticalIllusions #Illusion: Greeting Card
Op Art #OpArt Optical Art #OpticalArt Optical Illusions #OpticalIllusions #Illusion: Greeting Card
Op Art #OpArt Optical Art #OpticalArt Optical Illusions #OpticalIllusions #Illusion: Greeting Card
Op Art #OpArt Optical Art #OpticalArt Optical Illusions #OpticalIllusions #Illusion: Greeting Card
Икона Божией Матери - Icon of the Mother of God: iPhone Case & Cover
Икона Божией Матери - Icon of the Mother of God: iPhone Case & Cover
Russian Icon of the Mother of God Feodorowskaya with Saints: Framed Art Print
Russian Icon of the Mother of God Feodorowskaya with Saints: Framed Art Print
Symbol on the Portuguese Flag: Sticker
Symbol on the Portuguese Flag: Sticker
Symbol on the Portuguese Flag: Pullover Hoodie
Symbol on the Portuguese Flag: Pullover Hoodie
Tree of Animal Life - Evolution is change in the heritable characteristics of biological populations over successive generations: Mask
Tree of Animal Life - Evolution is change in the heritable characteristics of biological populations over successive generations: Mask
Tree of Animal Life - Evolution is change in the heritable characteristics of biological populations over successive generations: Mask
Tree of Animal Life - Evolution is change in the heritable characteristics of biological populations over successive generations: Mask
Ohm, Electric Current, Electricity, Electrical Resistance, Conductance, Electrician, Ampere, Electrical Network: Sticker
Ohm, Electric Current, Electricity, Electrical Resistance, Conductance, Electrician, Ampere, Electrical Network: Sticker
Ohm, Electric Current, Electricity, Electrical Resistance, Conductance, Electrician, Ampere, Electrical Network: iPhone Case & Cover
Ohm, Electric Current, Electricity, Electrical Resistance, Conductance, Electrician, Ampere, Electrical Network: iPhone Case & Cover
Title page of first printed edition of the Zohar, main sourcebook of Kabbalah, from Mantua, Italy in 1558: Essential T-Shirt
Title page of first printed edition of the Zohar, main sourcebook of Kabbalah, from Mantua, Italy in 1558: Essential T-Shirt
Title page of first printed edition of the Zohar, main sourcebook of Kabbalah, from Mantua, Italy in 1558: Classic T-Shirt
Title page of first printed edition of the Zohar, main sourcebook of Kabbalah, from Mantua, Italy in 1558: Classic T-Shirt
Circle - 2D shape: Classic T-Shirt
Circle - 2D shape: Classic T-Shirt
Circle - 2D shape: Classic T-Shirt
Circle - 2D shape: Classic T-Shirt
#Ukrainian #Embroidery, #CrossStitch, #Pattern: Throw Pillow
#Ukrainian #Embroidery, #CrossStitch, #Pattern: Throw Pillow
#Ukrainian #Embroidery, #CrossStitch, #Pattern: Floor Pillow
#Ukrainian #Embroidery, #CrossStitch, #Pattern: Floor Pillow
Marilyn Monroe Famous Sleeveless Top
Marilyn Monroe Famous Sleeveless Top
#Wicker, #roughlinen, #burlap, #sackcloth, sacking, bagging, холст, scrim, cloth, crash, власяница, hairshirt, haircloth, мешковина: Sleeveless Top
#Wicker, #roughlinen, #burlap, #sackcloth, sacking, bagging, холст, scrim, cloth, crash, власяница, hairshirt, haircloth, мешковина: Sleeveless Top
#ParticlePhysics #StandardModel #ElementaryParticle #HiggsBoson Physics: Classic T-Shirt
#ParticlePhysics #StandardModel #ElementaryParticle #HiggsBoson Physics: Classic T-Shirt
Compton Scattering - Incident Photon, Target Electron at Rest, Recoil Electron, Scattered Photon: Essential T-Shirt
Compton Scattering - Incident Photon, Target Electron at Rest, Recoil Electron, Scattered Photon: Essential T-Shirt
Green Tara (Khadiravani) is usually associated with protection from fear and the eight obscurations: pride, ignorance, hatred and anger, jealousy, bandits and thieves and so on. Greeting Card
Green Tara (Khadiravani) is usually associated with protection from fear and the eight obscurations: pride, ignorance, hatred and anger, jealousy, bandits and thieves and so on. Greeting Card
Green Tara (Khadiravani) is usually associated with protection from fear and the eight obscurations: pride, ignorance, hatred and anger, jealousy, bandits and thieves and so on. Essential T-Shirt
Green Tara (Khadiravani) is usually associated with protection from fear and the eight obscurations: pride, ignorance, hatred and anger, jealousy, bandits and thieves and so on. Essential T-Shirt
Аня - дура! Жизнь прекрасна! Anya is a fool! Life is Beautiful! Анна каренина, юмор: Mask
Аня - дура! Жизнь прекрасна! Anya is a fool! Life is Beautiful! Анна каренина, юмор: Mask
Аня - дура! Жизнь прекрасна! Anya is a fool! Life is Beautiful! Анна каренина, юмор: Mask
Аня - дура! Жизнь прекрасна! Anya is a fool! Life is Beautiful! Анна каренина, юмор: Mask
Emblem of the Russian Federal Security Service: iPhone Case & Cover
Emblem of the Russian Federal Security Service: iPhone Case & Cover
Российский флаг, Флаг российской федерации, Russian flag, Flag of the Russian Federation, Russia, Russian, flag, Russian Federation: iPhone Case & Cover
Российский флаг, Флаг российской федерации, Russian flag, Flag of the Russian Federation, Russia, Russian, flag, Russian Federation: iPhone Case & Cover
Motion Illusion Mask
Motion Illusion Mask
Motion Illusion Tapestry
Motion Illusion Tapestry
Famous philosophers, #Famous, #philosophers, #FamousPhilosophers, #Philosophy, #philosopher, #FamousPhilosopher: Mask
Famous philosophers, #Famous, #philosophers, #FamousPhilosophers, #Philosophy, #philosopher, #FamousPhilosopher: Mask
Famous philosophers, #Famous, #philosophers, #FamousPhilosophers, #Philosophy, #philosopher, #FamousPhilosopher: Mask
Famous philosophers, #Famous, #philosophers, #FamousPhilosophers, #Philosophy, #philosopher, #FamousPhilosopher: Mask
Facebook Public Group: Физика - Physics In Russian. Mask
Facebook Public Group: Физика - Physics In Russian. Mask
Facebook Public Group: Физика - Physics In Russian. Mask
Facebook Public Group: Физика - Physics In Russian. Mask
Optical illusion in Physics Mask
Optical illusion in Physics: Mask
Optical illusion in Physics: Mask
Optical illusion in Physics: Mask
Old Newspaper Mask
Old Newspaper Mask
Old Russian Newspaper Известия Рабочихъ и Солдатскихъ Депутатовъ Mask
Old Russian Newspaper Известия Рабочихъ и Солдатскихъ Депутатовъ Mask
The #Laniakea #Supercluster, #Cosmology, #Astrophysics, Astronomy: Canvas Print
The #Laniakea #Supercluster, #Cosmology, #Astrophysics, Astronomy: Canvas Print
The #Laniakea #Supercluster, #Cosmology, #Astrophysics, Astronomy: Fitted T-Shirt
The #Laniakea #Supercluster, #Cosmology, #Astrophysics, Astronomy: Fitted T-Shirt
Victor #Vasarely, was a Hungarian-French #artist, who is widely accepted as a #grandfather and leader of the #OpArt movement: Mask
Victor #Vasarely, was a Hungarian-French #artist, who is widely accepted as a #grandfather and leader of the #OpArt movement: Mask
Victor #Vasarely, was a Hungarian-French #artist, who is widely accepted as a #grandfather and leader of the #OpArt movement: Mask
Victor #Vasarely, was a Hungarian-French #artist, who is widely accepted as a #grandfather and leader of the #OpArt movement: Mask
Red, blue, green, pattern, large, flowers Mask
Red, blue, green, pattern, large, flowers Mask
Red, blue, green, pattern, large, flowers Mask
Red, blue, green, pattern, large, flowers Mask
#Venus of #Willendorf #artifact sculpture art figurine statue humanbody #VenusofWillendorf: Greeting Card
#Venus of #Willendorf #artifact sculpture art figurine statue humanbody #VenusofWillendorf: Greeting Card
#Venus of #Willendorf #artifact sculpture art figurine statue humanbody #VenusofWillendorf: Classic T-Shirt
#Venus of #Willendorf #artifact sculpture art figurine statue humanbody #VenusofWillendorf: Classic T-Shirt
Functional groups in organic chemistry are structural features distinguish one organic molecule from another: Sticker
Functional groups in organic chemistry are structural features distinguish one organic molecule from another: Sticker
Functional groups in organic chemistry are structural features distinguish one organic molecule from another: Poster
Functional groups in organic chemistry are structural features distinguish one organic molecule from another: Poster
Lamour and Psyche Children – (William Adolphe Bouguereau) Mask
Lamour and Psyche Children – (William Adolphe Bouguereau) Mask
Lamour and Psyche Children – (William Adolphe Bouguereau) iPhone Case & Cover
Lamour and Psyche Children – (William Adolphe Bouguereau) iPhone Case & Cover
Pin up Girl Airplane Mask
Pin up Girl Airplane Mask
Optical illusion Trip Mask
Optical illusion Trip Mask
Metal Print: #Physics #Formula Set #PhysicsFormulaSet #FormulaSet
Metal Print: #Physics #Formula Set #PhysicsFormulaSet #FormulaSet
Photographic Print: #Physics #Formula Set #PhysicsFormulaSet #FormulaSet
Photographic Print: #Physics #Formula Set #PhysicsFormulaSet #FormulaSet
Poster: Standard Model Of Elementary Particles #Quarks #Leptons #GaugeBosons #ScalarBosons Bosons
Poster: Standard Model Of Elementary Particles #Quarks #Leptons #GaugeBosons #ScalarBosons Bosons
Sleeveless Top: Standard Model Of Elementary Particles #Quarks #Leptons #GaugeBosons #ScalarBosons Bosons
Sleeveless Top: Standard Model Of Elementary Particles #Quarks #Leptons #GaugeBosons #ScalarBosons Bosons
Metal Print: Pattern, motifs. Ancient Egyptian Ornaments
Metal Print: Pattern, motifs. Ancient Egyptian Ornaments
Mask: Pattern, motifs. Ancient Egyptian Ornaments
Mask: Pattern, motifs. Ancient Egyptian Ornaments
Op Art. Victor #Vasarely, was a Hungarian-French #artist, who is widely accepted as a #grandfather and leader of the #OpArt movement. Canvas Print
Op Art. Victor #Vasarely, was a Hungarian-French #artist, who is widely accepted as a #grandfather and leader of the #OpArt movement. Canvas Print
Op Art. Victor #Vasarely, was a Hungarian-French #artist, who is widely accepted as a #grandfather and leader of the #OpArt movement A-Line Dress
Op Art. Victor #Vasarely, was a Hungarian-French #artist, who is widely accepted as a #grandfather and leader of the #OpArt movement. A-Line Dress
Poster: Standard Model of Elementary Particles
Poster: Standard Model of Elementary Particles
Photographic Print: Standard Model of Elementary Particles
Photographic Print: Standard Model of Elementary Particles
Mask: Tree of Life (Kabbalah)
Mask: Tree of Life (Kabbalah)
Mask: Tree of Life (Kabbalah)
Mask: Tree of Life (Kabbalah)
T-shirt: Tree of Life (Kabbalah)
T-shirt: Tree of Life (Kabbalah)
Pullover Hoodie: Tree of Life (Kabbalah)
Pullover Hoodie: Tree of Life (Kabbalah)
Tapestry: Tree of Life (Kabbalah)
Tapestry: Tree of Life (Kabbalah)
☭ A-Line Dress: A #red #hammer and #sickle, in the shape it appeared (in gold) on the #Soviet Unions flag from 1955 to 1991
🔨 A-Line Dress: A #red #hammer and #sickle, in the shape it appeared (in gold) on the #Soviet Unions flag from 1955 to 1991 ☭
☭ Mini Scirt: A #red #hammer and #sickle, in the shape it appeared (in gold) on the #Soviet Unions flag from 1955 to 1991
🔨 Mini Scirt: A #red #hammer and #sickle, in the shape it appeared (in gold) on the #Soviet Unions flag from 1955 to 1991 ☭
Scarf: Physics Formula Set
Scarf: Physics Formula Set
Optical illusion abstract art: Mask
Optical illusion abstract art: Mask
Optical illusion abstract art: iPhone Case & Cover
Optical illusion abstract art: iPhone Case & Cover
Optical illusion abstract art: Throw Pillow
Optical illusion abstract art: Throw Pillow
Unit circle angles. Trigonometry, Math Formulas, Geometry Formulas: Mask
Unit circle angles. Trigonometry, Math Formulas, Geometry Formulas: Mask
Unit circle angles. Trigonometry, Math Formulas, Geometry Formulas
Unit circle angles. Trigonometry, Math Formulas, Geometry Formulas
The School of Athens (1509–1511) by Raphael, depicting famous classical Greek philosophers in an idealized setting inspired by ancient Greek architecture: Mask
The School of Athens (1509–1511) by Raphael, depicting famous classical Greek philosophers in an idealized setting inspired by ancient Greek architecture: Mask
The School of Athens (1509–1511) by Raphael, depicting famous classical Greek philosophers in an idealized setting inspired by ancient Greek architecture: Mask
The School of Athens (1509–1511) by Raphael, depicting famous classical Greek philosophers in an idealized setting inspired by ancient Greek architecture
Educational Poster: The Standard Model of Fundamental Particles and Interactions Educational Poster: The Standard Model of Fundamental Particles and Interactions
Educational Poster: The Standard Model of Fundamental Particles and Interactions
Educational Poster: The Standard Model of Fundamental Particles and Interactions. Essential T-Shirt
Educational Poster: The Standard Model of Fundamental Particles and Interactions. Throw Blanket
Educational Poster: The Standard Model of Fundamental Particles and Interactions. Throw Blanket

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Get my art printed on awesome products.
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